We’ve made a great start on our goal to raise $10,000 for families in need!
Third and Fourth grade are tied for the most number of students registered, and look at those students going above and beyond to get pledges and earn Jeans Day, extra recess, Free Dress, and more!
How it works:
- Students who participate win rewards!
- Register April 22 – 30 ($10 entry fee)
- www.americanprepfoundation.org /2021funrun
- Can’t get online? Students can also bring this form and a cash payment to the front desk to register in person
- Earn Crazy Sock & Tie Day – May 11
- Get an Awesome T-shirt – wear it when you run, and on Friday, May 14
- Enjoy a Lollipop
- The student’s name is read over the loudspeaker at the end of the day!
- Family and friends can register too – they will receive a t-shirt and their participation helps the student earn even more rewards!
- Run anytime between May 14 and 16 at 8 pm – don’t forget to wear your shirt and take a photo!
- Run 1 mile or 5K (3.1 miles), and record your time. Submit it to a link that will be provided.
- The top 3 finalists in each division will receive a medal!
Register your student (and anyone else who wants a great t-shirt) today!