D2/D3 Update 8.19.21


It is wonderful to see so many returning as well as new students this week. As we walk the halls, great things are happening! We are excited to start the new school year and look forward to working together as an APA family! Just a few quick reminders for tomorrow:

Morning Drop Off Procedures

Thank you for your patience during drop-off this morning as some families are learning and the procedures are new. The drop-off time will shorten as everyone begins to understand the process, stays in their vehicles and has children ready to exit the vehicle on the curbside. Following these procedures, you were able to cut the carpool time by 10 minutes today! Thank you!

Please pull all the way forward when dropping off your student. We know it is tempting to stop the car and allow your student(s) to exit the vehicle close to the entrance, however, this slows the entire process down. All vehicles need to pull all the way forward on the curb. 

**The Zipper Merge** For Both Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Pick Up

Some of you may have read we are trying something different for morning drop off in hopes to alleviate a little of the congestion along Lone Peak Parkway, but it will require everyone’s cooperation. Use both lanes of Lone Peak Parkway – join the shortest lane. *NEW* We realized after two days of asking families to wait and merge after Election Road that this is problematic. In order to give drivers more time and allow for a gentle, softer merge we are now asking for the merge to take place after Inauguration Road and BEFORE Election Road. *This is a change.* Please use both lanes of Lone Peak Parkway and merge, zipper style, AFTER Inauguration Road and BEFORE Election Road. Each car in the right lane should allow one car from the left lane to merge, zipper style – between Inauguration Road and Election Road.

We understand that this is NEW and will take everyone’s cooperation and builder attitude to help the flow of traffic. We’d like to try this for a period of time and see if it helps with drop off and appreciate all of you as we try to determine the safest and most efficient carpool procedures.  NOTE: Vehicles coming from the east on 114th and turning left onto Lone Peak are forced into the left lane because the right lane is full. Those cars DO NEED TO MERGE INTO THE RIGHT LANE well before getting to the school, but can only do so if you are courteous and let them in.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

Please review the procedures here: https://draper2.americanprep.org /drop-off-and-pick-up/ 

The first week of school is always an exciting time and we know you want to see your students as soon as possible at the end of the day, however, we encourage you to arrive at your designated carpool time. Do not arrive early. If you arrive early we will ask you to circle around until your pick-up time. 

All families must have a 2021-2022 carpool tag displayed in the windshield prior to arrival on property and display the tag for the duration of your time on campus. If you have not received your carpool tag you may come to the office and pick it up between 9AM and 1PM. Again, if you do not have a tag and choose to not pick it up, you will not be allowed on campus during carpool time and will need to return to pick up your student after 2:45pm. We appreciate your understanding as we work through the beginning of school challenges with carpool. 

First Week Of School Scheduled

Reminder – Wednesday and Thursday are short days, and we dismiss an hour earlier – see the schedule on the homepage of our website –  https://draper2.americanprep.org/ 

Friday’s Dismissal Times

Purple Pick Up 2:50pm (designated for Draper 3 families)

Yellow Pick Up 3:15pm (designated time for families w/siblings at D3)

Blue Pick Up 3:30pm (designated time for families with no siblings at D3)

Red Pick Up 3:45pm (designated time for families participating in extended day)

Visitor Parking

We ask that you participate in the carpool process this first week of school. Please do not enter the school to pick up your student. Complete all of your business inside the school prior to 2PM, so your student will learn the pickup process. All students will be sent out to the curb, bus, or appropriate pickup location. If you must be inside the school during pickup time, park in the stalls directly in front of the school (those following A/B path), or by the sheep field (those following C/D path). Please carefully escort your students through the parking lot and follow the directions of the crossing guard.

Walking Passes

We are excited to be part of your neighborhood and that you and your student(s) may have the opportunity and convenience of walking to/from school if they are walking within a mile to a residential address. The walking pass application can be found here: https://draper2.americanprep.org /parent-library/ 

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