Hello Draper 2 & 3 Families!
We have created a resource with guidelines and procedures:
https://draper2.americanprep .org /drop-off-and-pick-up/ This is a work in progress, but we encourage all our families to review the process for dropping off and picking up students.
We have 2 items to address today:
1. Remember to follow the traffic laws
There have been several car accidents and close calls on Lone Peak Parkway. Having two lanes north of our property is new this year, and many people are confused and frustrated. Please follow the traffic laws:
- RIGHT OF WAY/YIELD – those turning left should yield to oncoming traffic and drivers turning right (page 21)
- INTERSECTIONS – do not use the intersections to U-turn or to change lanes (page 24)
- KEEP CLEAR – when traffic slows, leave the intersections clear for neighbors to enter and exit
- MERGING – use your blinker, merge when lines are dashed (page 28)
- DO NOT CHANGE LANES in the areas that say KEEP CLEAR
- After turning onto a road (such as when exiting our property) – Enter the nearest lane first, merge to the next lane only after 2 seconds have passed
We encourage those in the right lane to allow those from the left lane to merge (when their blinker is on and lines are dashed).
2. Arriving too early for afternoon pick up
Please do not arrive before this time:
- Purple 2:50 pm – this time is for families with ONLY Draper 3 students
- Yellow 3:15 pm – this time is for families at Draper 2 AND Draper 3
- Blue 3:30 pm – this time is for families with ONLY Draper 2 students (or those who prefer a later time)
- Red 3:45 pm – this time is for families with ONLY Draper 2 students (or those who prefer a later time)
As you can see in the chart below – the largest number of cars come at Purple (2:50 pm). It is important that Yellow families DO NOT come early, but wait until Purple dismissal is over.
We have seen some families with two pick up tags – you should only have one color tag. If you have students at both Draper 2 and Draper 3, you should have only a yellow tag.
For families at both campuses (Yellow 3:15 pm), the D3 students should wait at the school for about 20 minutes, you pick them up, and then proceed to pick up the students at Draper 2. About 40% of the D3 campus has to wait until the Yellow 3:15 pm dismissal. This is the only way to accommodate so many cars on our campus.
Utah Driving Resources:
https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter 6A/C41-6a-P9_1800010118000101.pdf
https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter 6a/41-6a-S802.html