
Hello APA Families!

It has been another great week at APA!  Following are the COVID case numbers at this point in time:
Draper 1:  Cases: 2, Quarantines: 7
Draper 2:  Cases: 5, Quarantines: 40
Draper 3:  Cases: 3, Quarantines: 48
West Valley 1:  Cases: 5, Quarantines: 74
West Valley 2:  Cases: 9, Quarantines: 91
Salem:  Cases: 0, Quarantines: 4
ELC:  Cases: 0, Quarantines: 0
As you know Utah is experiencing a surge in positive tests, with the average daily increase in positive tests at the 1500 mark (past 7 days).  We encourage our families follow the mask guidelines, increased hand sanitizing and limit your exposure to people outside your family members.
The good news is that the death per cases number in Utah has dropped since school opened.  In August, the rate was .78% deaths per # of cases, and now the rate has fallen to .54% deaths per # of cases.  This is a great sign that our treatments are improving, or the virus itself is weakening, or some combination of these factors and others.  But in any case, Utah is the SAFEST state in the contiguous United States to live in with regard to staying alive if you get COVID.  Only Alaska has a lower death rate.  Aren’t we so fortunate to live in such a great place!!
Have a fun, safe Halloween weekend with your families!
Carolyn Sharette
Executive Director
Cell: 801-808-3933
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