November Builders Theme – I am a Builder when I show gratitude
Do you know that grateful people are healthier, happier, and more optimistic? Studies show that individuals who adopt an “attitude of gratitude” get more exercise, eat a healthier diet, have less depression, cope better with stress, and have less physical ailments.
Gratitude is a valuable virtue to teach and practice in our homes. We can begin by engaging our brains in grateful thoughts. If we think about it, our brains and hearts can really only focus on one thing at a time. It is almost impossible to be truly unhappy and grateful, or selfish and grateful, or even angry and grateful. Besides, once we start feeling grateful, our brains look for more things to be grateful for!
Upcoming Events
Nov 2 – Nov 6 Hands for Hope Challenge
Fri. Nov 6 Mid-term missing work deadline
Fri. Nov 6 Early Dismissal – AM Kindergarten 12:15/12:30/12:45 pm
Tues. Nov. 10 Advanced Math Competition (6th grade only)
Wed. Nov. 11 Veterans Day Live Streaming Event 10:00 am
Fri. Nov. 13 6th grade Ambassador Event 12:50 – 3:15 pm
Thurs. Dec. 3 Donation Drive Begins
Hands for Hope Challenge – November 2 – 6
Join us for our FIRST EVER Hope Challenge! November 2nd – 6th we are partnering with “Hands for Hope” by “Flag for Hope” to join thousands of other Hope Warriors to flood America with kindness. On WEDNESDAY the 4th your student will bring home a pamphlet and a “hope coin” with instructions on how to use it. The hope coin represents an act of kindness. As the coin moves from person to person a ripple effect is created that will have a long-lasting, positive impact on our home, school, community and country. Please watch this video:
Then, beginning the week of November 9th, we will have a “Hope Banner” where your student can put his/her handprint and name to show completion of the challenge.
Sign up here: 10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-hands
Let’s spread kindness one small act at a time! Are you ready for the challenge?
Early Dismissal – November 6 (Professional Development)
- AM Kindergarten students attend
- Purple 11:50 am – AM Kindergarten students without siblings
- Yellow 12:15 pm – Blue 12:30 pm – Red 12:45 pm
- Buses will leave at 12:25 pm and arrive 3 hours earlier than usual.
Math Competition – November 10
The American Mathematics Competition for interested 6th, 7th and 8th graders will be given after school at Draper 3 on Tuesday, November 10th. If your student would like to participate, email Mrs. Stewart for a permission slip and more information. Cost is $5 and the test will take approximately one hour.
Veterans Day Live Streaming Event – November 11
Even in the midst of the challenges of COVID, we will be honoring our country’s veterans on November 11th. Attached is a brochure with all the details! Please join us viewing our annual Veterans Day celebration on at 10:00 am. Invite your friends, family, and especially any veterans that you know!
From the Academic Office
Parent Teacher Conference – Meal Donations
Thank you to everyone who contributed! We received enough funds to buy a delicious meal for each of our teachers! The snacks you provided were an added boost to all our staff on Friday! Thank you!
From the Administrative Office
Curriculum/Library Books
Please remember that you are responsible for the books and materials checked out to your student. You will need to pay for any loss or damages that occur.
Masks Update
We anticipate our special mask order will arrive any day now! Parents, please remember to send a mask with your student every day. If they arrive without a mask we will hold them in the front office until you bring a mask to them. Think of this like any other uniform item. We encourage you to send a backup mask in the student’s backpack.
COVID Update – What to Expect
If your student has been exposed to, or tests positive for, COVID-19, please email the school nurse directly at She will evaluate the situation and tell you when your student can return to school.
When we are notified that a student has tested positive, we conduct contact tracing to identify which students were exposed (was within 6’ for more than 15 minutes) and are required to quarantine at home. We notify the parents as soon as possible, either via email or phone, and send the students home immediately. The other students in the class are notified that there is a case, but that their student was not exposed, and they can continue to attend school as normal.
Often the process of identifying symptoms, getting tested, waiting for results, and confirming a plan with the health department takes 3-5 days.
If one of your students is placed on quarantine, your other students may continue to attend school as usual. The quarantined student should not leave the home, but the other members of the home are not impacted – they are not considered exposed. Students placed on quarantine from a school exposure, can get tested after day 7 of Quarantine and, if the result is negative, can return to school right away. Often this means missing only 1-2 days of school.
Character Development
Save the Dates (5th and 6th grade parents) with a date change for 5th grade
Our next ambassador events will be held on FRIDAYS and will be completely within the school day so that your child will be dismissed just like every other day, at regular carpool times!
6th grade’s event will be Friday, November 13th. 10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-celebrate3
5th grade’s event has been CHANGED to Friday, DECEMBER 4th.
We’d LOVE parent volunteers! 10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-celebrate2
Upcoming Events…
- White Ribbon Week will be held November 16-20 (media and technology safety).
- Service Drive (Hygiene supplies) begins December 3rd
American Preparatory Education Foundation
Michelle Goudge, Executive Director
e: | p: 801.661.1928 americanprepfoundation
APA’s Holiday Giving Campaign begins November 23 for all Draper campuses. You will have the opportunity to purchase points for APA teachers and staff that can be pooled together so they can “shop” for items of their choice. Gifting points is a great way to shop contactlessly for your holiday gifts, giving teachers and staff exactly what they want. You and your child will also be able to write a note to every teacher and staff member that you gift points to. More details will follow in the weeks to come and at
Remember to choose APEF as your Amazon Smile Charity!