Draper 2 Campus – 2021 Speech Festival


Elementary In-class Festival

  • April 26th-30th
  • All students participate

Elementary School-wide Festival

  • Class winners participate
  • May 12th   4-6 grade
  • May 13th.  K-3 grade

Every year at American Preparatory Academy we have a speech festival. This gives all students a chance to practice their speaking skills. Students will be given a two-minute window to perform a speech or poem for their peers. Every student will be required to perform in class and then one student from each class will be chosen to perform at the school-wide festival.

Why a speech festival?

  1. To give the students the experience of getting in front of others and speaking in a place where they are safe.
  2. To encourage students to improve in their public speaking abilities.
  3. To give students with a public speaking talent an opportunity to shine.

Rules are as follows:

  • Students are allotted a maximum of two minutes.
  • Every student must perform in their class festival.
  • Students are allowed to have props and/or a costume, but they have to wear their uniforms when they are not performing.
  • Students must choose something that is:
    • From their grade’s curriculum (something they have learned in class)
    • A non-curriculum speech or poem at their grade level or higher
  • All speeches or poems must be approved by the student’s teacher. Students need to bring a copy of their speech into class by April 15th to be approved.
  • Students will give a short introduction of their speech/poem before their performance.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email your student’s homeroom teacher.

Judging Criteria

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