Upcoming Events
- August 18 – First Day of School, 8:05am
- August 24 – 6th-8th Grade Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer tryouts, 3:30 pm
- August 25 – Fire Drill
- August 25 – Parent Orientation 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
First Week Of School Schedule
Reminder – Wednesday and Thursday are short days, and we dismiss an hour earlier – see the schedule on the homepage of our website – https://draper2.americanprep.org/
We are so excited to have your students returning to our campus! School begins tomorrow at 8:05 am. The doors will be open for student entrance at 7:30am. We are looking forward to seeing our wonderful students in the morning!
We encourage you to take all your back-to-school photos before you arrive. Drop off your students at the curb – we will have many staff there to assist them! We will open doors, gather backpacks, and help your students find their classroom. It’s best if parents stay in their cars to keep the traffic flowing quickly and efficiently.
Because we have limited parking spaces and would like to keep visitors to a minimum on the first day of school, we ask that all students be dropped off at the curb if possible. If your student needs extra support from you on the first day, please come at 8:15 am, park, and walk them into the school. The majority of our students are ready to walk into the school independently. We ask that you help establish that morning routine.
K-2 grade students will meet in the multipurpose room, and 3-6 grade students will gather in the gym. Teachers will escort them to the classroom at 7:45 am, after students can go directly to the classroom.
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Please review the procedures here: https://draper2.americanprep.org /drop-off-and-pick-up/
- Use both lanes of Lone Peak Parkway – join the shortest lane.
- DO NOT MERGE until after Election Road (the last road before the school).
- Each car in the right lane should allow one car from the left lane to merge, zipper style – after passing Election Road (see below for video).
Visitors Parking
Parents and other visitors should park in the stalls directly in front of the school (those following A/B path), or by the sheep field (those following C/D path). Please carefully escort your students through the parking lot and follow the directions of the crossing guard.
Pick Up Tags/Carpool/Etc
Every family needs new pickup tags for the 2021-22 school year. The new tags are dated and include your family number. If you did not get your tags yet, please come to the school between 9 am and 1 pm on Wednesday. Any cars without a current pickup tag will need to wait and arrive after 2:45 pm on Wednesday. We will not allow anyone on campus without a tag until after 2:45 pm.
When dropping off your student in the morning, always pull forward as far as possible before unloading. Stay in your car and have your students get out on the curbside. The line moves quickly when everyone follows these rules. In the afternoon, we would encourage all parents to drive through carpool – including kindergarten parents. Those first few days are so wonderful for establishing the routine of how pick-up will happen.
Walking Passes
We are excited that some student(s) may have the opportunity and convenience of walking to/from school. Students can walk off-campus if they are walking within a mile to a residential address. The walking pass application can be found here: https://draper2.americanprep.org /parent-library/
What Your Grader Needs To Know – Book Exchange – August 18-20th
If you have a WYGNTK book from last year, please send it to school with your student. They can exchange it at the front desk with Mrs. Campbell. We will facilitate the exchange on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. After that, we will distribute the remaining books by lottery. We encourage ALL our families to obtain their own copy to have at home. Parents and siblings can join in “the great conversation” by learning along with their students and having discussions together.
From The Academic Office
It’s great to be with your students! We are in the process of finishing assessing new students in grades K-6 to place into Reading and Math groups. The first few weeks of school we call the groups “Maybe Groups” because we are anticipating changes in group placement. If you have any questions after placement, please feel free to contact Mrs. Davis for grades K-3 at megan.davis@apamail.org or Mrs. Lawrence for grades 4-6 at alawrence@apamail.org.
Fire Drill
Our first fire drill of the year will be held at 1:05 pm on Wednesday, August 25th. It is required that we have a drill within the first 10 days of school. Our teachers and instructors will walk the students out to their spot in the parking lot. Our classes will practice before we have the drill so our students will feel comfortable going where they need to be. It may help for you to talk to your student(s) as well. We generally have a safety drill almost every month.
Parent Orientation
Our Parent Orientation night will be Wednesday, August 25th 6:00 – 8:000 pm. THIS IS FOR PARENTS ONLY!! Unfortunately, we do not have enough room for you to bring your students. There will be a general session along with 2 other sessions for you to attend. You will go to each of your student’s classrooms and hear what they will be learning throughout the year. There will be sign-ups to help out with field trips, culminating activities, grading, and general help for the teacher. Please mark this date on your calendars.
Disclosure Statement
Our PE, Art and Choral Music Departments all have disclosure statements that need to be signed by both students and parents. These disclosures will have the expectations of the respective teachers. Please go to this link to access them: https://draper2.americanprep.org /disclosure-statements/
Name Tags & Dockets
Each student who is new to APA will receive a name tag and a docket. All returning students should have taken their nametag and docket home with them the last week of school. If you’ve misplaced either, replacement name tags ($5) and dockets ($10) may be purchased online through EFunds.
- https://draper2.americanprep.org/storage/2021/08/ Directions_EFS.pdf
- https://draper2.americanprep.org/storage/sites/3/2021/08/ Directions_Make-A-Payment.pdf
School Lunch
- Application details – https://www.americanprep.org/school-lunch-program/eligibility/
- Ordering details – https://www.americanprep.org/school-lunch-program/order-lunch-online/
Field Trip And School Supply Donations
We encourage families to support student field trips by making a $10 donation for each student. We also appreciate donations toward purchasing school supplies. Follow this link to contribute:
2021-22 Calendar
- https://draper2.americanprep.org/ calendar/
Uniform Guide
Clubs And Activities
Attached are flyers to register for after school clubs offered at American Prep beginning September 1st:
- Wednesdays 2:45pm-3:45pm
- Chess Club
- Art Class
6th – 8th Grade Soccer And Vollerball Tryouts
The Fall sports that are offered for our 6th Graders this year will be Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer.
- Girls Volleyball tryouts will be held August 24th at 3:30pm – in the D2 gym. (Please use the West doors to enter the gym, but not until 3:30pm). Tryouts will go until 4:30pm. Bring water and your shoes and clothes to play in.
- Boys Soccer tryouts will also be August 24th at 3:30 pm – on the HS soccer field. Tryouts should be over by 5pm. Bring water, your shoes and clothes to play in.
- Cross-Country has been moved to the Spring so look for that information to come out in February!
Eagles Basketballs – Grades 1-6
If you want to get a jump on basketball you can join the Eagles basketball club! There are teams for grades 1 through 12 and play year round if you want! (Teams are divided by grade level). Tryouts will be coming up on the 28th of August. If you are interested please see the attached flier.