On Campus – First Day Recap


Dear Draper 2 Families,

Thank you so much for an amazing first day of school! It was so wonderful to have your students back in the building.

If you are familiar with our school, check the action items at the top. If you are new, we encourage you to read the entire email.


Morning Drop Off – one line in the morning, pull forward

Afternoon Pick Up – students meet at the curb, D3 students wait at D3

Uniform Adjustments – apologies for misunderstandings

Wellness Screening – every morning!

Parent Orientation – we’re going virtual


Morning Drop Off

  • Please form only one line at each set of curbs. We do not divide the curbs in the morning
  • Please pull all the way forward so we can use the entire curb to unload students.
  • Mrs. Campbell is available tomorrow at 8:15 am. If you have changes or need assistance, please park and come into after 8:15 am or send an email to carpool@apamail.org

Afternoon Pick Up

  • All cars will need a pick up tag in the afternoon
  • Draper 2 siblings will meet each other AT THE CURB
  • Draper 3 students who have siblings at Draper 2
    • Should wait inside until the D2 sibling pick up time
    • Should NOT walk to Draper 2 to meet siblings
    • Will be picked up from Curb E or Curb F at Draper 3

Uniform Adjustments

We apologize for any misunderstandings regarding the uniforms today. Some of our teachers were not aware of the adjustments. Your students are welcome to wear BLUE POLO SHIRTS with KHAKI SHORTS OR SKIRTS. Socks should be black or white, but can be short. Shoes must be completely black – soles, laces, logos need to be completely black.

Wellness Checks

Thanks to all the parents who completed the Wellness Screening online! It makes our morning routine so much easier! Our goal is to get all the parents completing the Wellness Screening  in Skyward by Labor Day.

You can also complete the paper form attached to the learning plan. Please take your student’s temperature and confirm they are healthy every morning before school.

Parent Orientation

We will be offering our Parent Orientation online this year. We are busy putting this together – final details will be coming soon!

Administrative Director
Draper 2 Campus

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