November Builders Theme – I am a Builder when I show gratitude
This week is Thanksgiving – what an amazing opportunity it provides for us to focus on gratitude! Even during the challenges of COVID-19 we can find things to be thankful for. Parents – we appreciate YOU! Thank you for your support and flexibility during these challenging times. We love your students, and are grateful for the chance to teach them. Have a wonderful holiday!
Upcoming Events
November Hands for Hope Challenge
Mon. Nov. 23 Science Fair Judging
Nov. 25 – 27 No School – Thanksgiving break
Dec. 3 – 16 Annual Donation Drive
Fri. Dec. 4 Jeans Day & Spirit Wear Day
Mon. Dec. 7 Reading University Deadline
Fri. Dec. 11 Missing work deadline
Fri. Dec. 18 Report cards come home
Dec. 21 – Jan. 1 No School – Holiday break
Hands for Hope Challenge – November
Tuesday, November 24th is the final day students can place their handprints on our banner! If your student hasn’t given away their hope coin yet, there is still time to do a kind act and be able to get their handprint up!!
Monday, November 23 – Science Fair
It’s science fair time! On Monday, November 23rd, finalists from each 6th class will have their projects judged to determine the winners that will move to our district fair.
Heroes for Hygiene – December 3 to 18
There’s a frosty nip in the air and that means that APA’s annual multi-campus donation drive is just around the corner! We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with Globus Relief this year by collecting hygiene items that will be distributed to refugee camps, charitable clinics, orphanages, and areas affected by natural disasters. Check out their amazing work at!
Donation Guidelines: We will collect travel size items of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, dental floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste, baby shampoo, baby wash, and baby lotion. Donations must be new and unused and, if possible, have at least 6 months before expiring, in order to be shipped abroad.
5th Grade Ambassador Event – December 4
“Celebrate”, will be held on December 4th. We’d LOVE parent volunteers! 10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-celebrate2
White Ribbon Week Recap – November 16 to 20
We had a wonderful week of learning how to be “Media Detectives” and to make safe and healthy choices using media of all kinds. Students who turned in their White Ribbon Week TRACKER (which was on the Learning Plans last week) may wear CRAZY SOCKS on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 24th.
- Day 1:
- Day 2:
- Day 3:
- Day 4:
- Day 5:
Other Items
School Lunch
This is a reminder to order meals for next month December 2020 AND January 2021. All orders must be placed 48 hours in advance – if you want your student to have lunch on Tuesday, December 1st please order by Sunday, November 29th (midnight). If you need help ordering lunch please email for assistance.
Job Opportunity – Off Campus Program Assistant
We are currently hiring a part-time employee (29 hours/week) to help with our off campus program; apply online
Job Opportunity – School Lunch Employee
The School Lunch program is looking for a part-time employee to work daily. Must be willing to travel and work at any campus (mileage paid). Email with questions, and apply online
Tracking Volunteer Hours
Though our opportunities to volunteer have been more limited this year, if you have donated your time or resources, please go here to track your hours. volunteer/
Highly Qualified Teachers
The USBE (Utah State Board Of Education) sets standards for teachers in the state of Utah to be highly qualified. For the 2020-2021 school year, all of the teachers at Draper 2 have met State and Federal licensing requirements.
American Preparatory Education Foundation
Michelle Goudge, Executive Director
e: | p: 801.661.1928 americanprepfoundation
This year we are raising funds to purchase jackets for our staff members for our Holiday Giving Campaign. Details will be sent out soon. Please consider making a contribution to the 2020 Holiday Giving Campaign.
Do you have an old, newer model, iPhone that’s just laying around collecting dust that you would like to donate? If so, our Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3), is in search of a used Sprint or unlocked iPhone. All cash and in-kind donations made to APEF are tax deductible. Please email me if you’re able to help.
As you start your holiday shopping, please consider adding American Preparatory Education as your preferred Amazon charity. Those funds are extremely valuable to us and our APA families. For details please go to amazon-smile. Thank you for your support.