Friday ,April 21st Early Dismissal 12:15PM /12:30PM /1PM


Friday, April 21st Early Dismissal 12:15pm/12:30pm/1pm

D2 Parents – D2 campus will dismiss early today to accommodate the Ball events this afternoon at D2.

Along with our D3 campus, D2 is thrilled to provide space for the 7th and 8th grade students from D3, WV3 and Salem to attend a wonderful culminating event where they practice the Ambassador leadership skills they have learned this year. Both gymnasiums are transformed into a festive atmosphere by staff and parent volunteers.

This event helps students practice navigating a refreshment line, start meaningful conversations (while enjoying a five course meal), gain confidence in meeting new people and make many new friends while dancing with all their peers! These events are so memorable for these students and are a highlight of their junior high years.

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