D2 Newsletter 2.8.21


I am a builder when I use my words to encourage others.

     Have you ever thrown a rock or pebble into a pond or lake and noticed the little waves that ripple away from the center in circles?  Encouraging words have a rippling effect on others that can result in good things.  Mother Teresa said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”  Echoes are like ripples; they go on and on.  Take the time to be encouraging this week by honoring someone’s accomplishment, expressing gratitude for something they say or do; offering a hug or a smile; or taking time to listen.  Last week and this week, our students have been encouraging our Staff.  It has been a wonderful experience for everyone.  

     Remember, encouragement doesn’t just enhance the lives of others; they create ripples in your life as well by strengthening your relationships, building trust, and spreading good cheer. 

Upcoming Events

  • February 12 – Upper Grades School Spelling Bee
  • February 12 – Jeans Day for those who qualified
  • February 12 – Off Campus Term 4 Materials Pick up (10:00 am – 11:30 am)
  • Feb. 15 – 19 – Mid-winter break
  • February 22 – Welcome back!  Term 4 begins
  • February 22: Submission deadline for APEF 2nd Annual Notecard Art Contest

4-6 Grade Spelling Bee

Parents of those participating are welcome to attend. It will be held in the gym, where there is plenty of space for social distancing. 

Jeans Day – February 12

Watch for a sticker coming home on Thursday so you know if your student qualifies to wear jeans! Here are the guidelines – https://draper2.americanprep.org/ jeans-day/

Off Campus Families

Photos Needed

We need candid pictures for the yearbook! Please forward the photos you would like to be included, to mcarman@apamail.org.  We particularly need pictures of the FIRST DAY of SCHOOL but will be happy with whatever you send! 

Valentines Day –  February 12

If students wish to exchange Valentine cards or treats (completely optional) they may do so, within the following guidelines:

  • All classmates must be included in the giving.
  • Treats must be wrapped, as they will be placed in backpacks to be enjoyed at home.
  • You will NOT need to make a Valentine box for your student, we will provide paper bags for the students to put their Valentines in.

Character Development – Mandy Brown

This month we can use our words to encourage others!   Enjoy our lunch time video introducing this theme. https://youtu.be/ o0Pvm9DMWAs

We are looking forward to 5th Grade’s “Western Round Up” on Friday, February 26 (during the school day).  Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to volunteer, we can’t wait to see you there!

6th Grade – Draper3 Tour Dates

For all of 6th grade students who will be going to 7th grade at D3 in the fall – Click for details.

2nd Annual Notecard Art Contest

   The Foundation’s 2nd Annual Notecard Art Contest has begun. It is a great way for students to showcase their creativity. This year there will be two winners, one in each of the following categories: Thank a Teacher/Staff Member AND General Thank You. The artwork will be used on notecards and thank you cards for The Foundation and for thank you cards for teachers and staff during Staff Appreciation Week at each of our campuses.

Submissions should be emailed to Michelle Goudge at mgoudge@americanprepfoundation.org in a .png or .jpg file or dropped off with a campus secretary. The theme for the contest is “THANK YOU” and the deadline is February 22. The winners will be announced after the break and will receive a $25 gift certificate for the APA Apparel Store. 

Contest Rules And Guidelines:

  1. The contest is open to all APA students.
  2. Artwork should not include copyrighted images.
  3. Students may submit entries in either the THANK YOU TEACHER/STAFF or GENERAL THANK YOU category or both. However, a student can only win in one category.
  4. Students are encouraged, but not required, to use 8.5” x 11” paper (either landscape or portrait orientation).
  5. Artwork must be properly labeled. Write the name of the student, the student’s grade, campus, and the teacher’s name on the BACK of the artwork. Please make sure this information is legible. 
  6. Students may use as many colors as they wish in their artwork, and may use watercolors, colored paper, markers, crayons, pencils, or any combination. Students are encouraged to completely fill the page.
  7. Entry into this contest constitutes (1) a waiver of all copyrights students have in their entries, and (2) permission to republish entries without compensation.
  8. Artwork will not be returned.

Accreditation Reviews

Every 5 years, we are required to undergo an Accreditation Review.  Cognia is the approved Accrediting agency for public schools across multiple states.  The Review Team from Cognia that conducted American Prep’s recent review represented decades of education experience in public schools districts and charters across multiple states.  As part of their extensive review, Cognia conducted observations in multiple APA classrooms, examined over 400 documents, and interviewed 117 stakeholders, including board members, admin, teachers, parents, community members, students, and support staff. 

We are excited to announce that American Prep received an exceptional recommendation of Accreditation from its recent review.  The Index of Education Quality (IEQ) is the numeric score given an institution at the conclusion of the Accreditation Review process.  The 5-year average COGNIA IEQ score for institutions is 280.  American Prep received an IEQ rating of 350 out of 400—far above average and indicating that APA “Demonstrates noteworthy practices producing clear results that positively impact the institution.”

Cognia specifically noted these powerful practices at APA:

  1. The American Preparatory Academy (APA), directed by the chief executive officer (CEO) and the leadership team, tirelessly commit to the institution’s purpose and direction. 
  2. APA’s governing board established a comprehensive set of policies and procedures, including a strong code of ethics, allowing them to fulfill their roles and responsibilities for the institution and schools’ direction.
  3. APA schools provide a structured and positive culture that exemplifies the system’s mission statement “…to ensure that each student achieves maximum academic proficiency and develops virtuous character and motivation for a productive citizenry.” 
  4. APA exemplifies a data-driven system where teachers record, collect, analyze, and use both formative and summative assessments to update the curriculum and assess student learning. 
  5. APA provides staff members with professional learning activities based on data-driven needs assessments with a focus on collaboration and collegiality. 
  6. The system provides access to information resources and materials to support the curriculum and allocates human, material, and fiscal resources in alignment with the organizational purpose and improvement of student performance.  

We are grateful to the staff, parents, students, and community members who contribute in meaningful ways to the culture and mission of excellence at American Prep!

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