D2 Newsletter 2.1.21


I am a builder when I use my words to encourage others.

Are you looking for a way to lift someone’s spirits? Sometimes all it takes is a few positive quotes or words of encouragement to immediately turn someone’s day around. Whether it’s your lifelong best friend or a stranger you pass on the street, taking a moment to deliver a positive message can have a long-lasting effect on the well-being of both individuals.

For the next two weeks, our students will have the opportunity to share encouraging words with the Staff here at the Draper 2 campus.  They will have stickers that they can give to any Staff member they feel has done an outstanding job of encouraging them, teaching a great lesson or just being positive.  It will be a fun couple of weeks for everyone.  

Upcoming Events

  • February 1 – Reading University Deadline
  • February 2 – Lower Grades School Spelling Bee 1:30 – 3:00 pm
  • February 5 – Spirit Wear Day
  • February 5 – Early Dismissal 12:15/12:30/12:45  (AM Kindergarten attends)
  • February 12 – Upper Grades School Spelling Bee 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • Feb. 15 – 19 – Mid-winter break
  • February 22 – Welcome back!  Term 4 begins

Volunteers needed for Spelling Bees

  • Grades 1-3 Tuesday, February 2 – 1:15 – 3:00 pm – 2 more volunteers needed
  • Grades 4-6 Friday, February 12 -12:45 – 3:00 pm – 2 more volunteers needed

We are looking for three (3) volunteers each day to judge for our Spelling Bees.  Judges will follow along on the spelling list and hold up a green card, for spelled correctly, or a red card for spelled incorrectly.  It’s easy, fulfilling, and fun!

Please go here to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com /go/60b044faaab2ca1fd0-spelling 


Early Dismissal – Grading Day – February 5

  • AM Kindergarten students attend
  • Purple 11:50 am – AM Kindergarten students without siblings
  • Yellow 12:15 pm  – Blue 12:30 pm  – Red 12:45 pm
  • Buses will leave at 12:25 pm and arrive 3 hours earlier than usual. 

https://www.americanprep.org /wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Bus-Routes-Aug-2020.pdf 

Spirit Wear Friday – February 5

On the first Friday of every month, students and staff can show their American Prep spirit by wearing Spirit Wear items on top, and regular Friday dress on bottom.  Items can be from previous fundraising events or can be purchased through our Spirit Store.

https://www.americanprep.org /product-category/spirit-wear/

Off Campus Term 4 Preferences

We know many of our Off Campus families are looking forward to joining us next term! If you want your student to return next term, please complete the following form: 

https://forms.gle/ NHGetX6EXe2GN2yk9

Looking Forward – End of Year Testing Dates 

During testing time, there will be NO EXCUSED ABSENCES.  All testing is required for all students.  Here are the dates we have scheduled – 

  • 4th – 6th grade State testing – Monday, April 19 – Friday, April 23
  • 1st – 3rd grade State testing – Monday, April 26 – Friday, April 30
  • K – 3rd grade Core Knowledge testing – Monday, May 17 – Friday, May 21
  • 4th – 6th grade Core Knowledge testing – Monday, May 24 – Friday, May 28


We have a family looking to set up a carpool. They have two students who need a ride home every day. They can help take up to two students in the morning. The drop off location is either 11800 S. and State St. OR 13490 S. and Vista Station Rd. If you can help, please call (801) 953-9714.

Character Development – Mandy Brown

A huge thank you to our amazing parent volunteers who helped with our 6th Grade Western Round Up!!  We could not have done it without you!  Thanks to your willingness to give of your time — our students learned how to introduce themselves, practiced polite dinner manners, learned how to set goals and  how to be a true friend, as well as how to protect themselves from unkind words or actions.  It was a GREAT day.  

5th Grade Students have their Western Round Up coming up on Friday, February 26th (during the school day).  Watch for a volunteer sign up in next week’s newsletter and from your classroom teachers.  It is our final ambassador event this year, and if you haven’t had a chance to volunteer yet this year, this would be a GREAT time to come see for  yourself what our character development program is all about.

Wrapping up our January theme of “I am a Builder when I think POSITIVE THOUGHTS about myself and others” we were able to watch a video about the Potts family from “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” by Ian Fleming.  If you’d like to see some of APA’s talented staff (Hale Center Theater actors!) then click on this link and enjoy!



6th Grade Draper 3 Tour Dates

For all of our 6th grade students who will be going into 7th grade next school year; 2021/2022; Draper 3 has set up the below dates for parents to take a tour.  A tour is OPTIONAL, the student does NOT need to attend.  This is a perfect time to ask questions, see the building and help you decide where you want to be next year. You can sign up here:

  https://www.signupgenius.com /go/8050f4daca92ca4fe3-2021

February 3rd 2021 10:00 AM March 3rd 2021 10:00 AM June 15th 2021 at 10:00 AM

February 5th 2021 1:15 PM April 14th 2021 at 10:00 AM June 29th 2021 at 10:00 AM

March 2nd 2021 1:15 PM May 19th 2021 at 10:00 AM July 14th 2021 at 10:00 AM

Off Campus Enrollment and Transfers

We are no longer accepting enrollment in our Off Campus program.  We do not have enough teachers to take on any more students. Students in the Off Campus program cannot transfer from one campus to another until they return to school. 

School Lunch

Because of COVID, our menu is subject to change. 

Valentines Day – From our Parent Student Handbook

We encourage students to show they care by doing good deeds for others all during the month. Often, the school participates in a school-wide service project during February. If students wish to exchange Valentine cards or treats (completely optional) they may do so, within the following guidelines:

  • All classmates must be included in the giving.
  • Treats must be wrapped, as they will be placed in backpacks to be enjoyed at home.
  • You will NOT need to make a Valentine box for your student, we will provide paper bags for the students to put their Valentines in.

Accreditation Review

Every 5 years, we are required to undergo an Accreditation Review.  Cognia is the approved Accrediting agency for public schools across multiple states.  The Review Team from Cognia that conducted American Prep’s recent review represented decades of education experience in public schools districts and charters across multiple states.  As part of their extensive review, Cognia conducted observations in multiple APA classrooms, examined over 400 documents, and interviewed 117 stakeholders, including board members, admin, teachers, parents, community members, students, and support staff. 

We are excited to announce that American Prep received an exceptional recommendation of Accreditation from its recent review.  The Index of Education Quality (IEQ) is the numeric score given an institution at the conclusion of the Accreditation Review process.  The 5-year average COGNIA IEQ score for institutions is 280.  American Prep received an IEQ rating of 350 out of 400—far above average and indicating that APA “Demonstrates noteworthy practices producing clear results that positively impact the institution.”

Cognia specifically noted these powerful practices at APA:

  1. The American Preparatory Academy (APA), directed by the chief executive officer (CEO) and the leadership team, tirelessly commit to the institution’s purpose and direction. 
  2. APA’s governing board established a comprehensive set of policies and procedures, including a strong code of ethics, allowing them to fulfill their roles and responsibilities for the institution and schools’ direction.
  3. APA schools provide a structured and positive culture that exemplifies the system’s mission statement “…to ensure that each student achieves maximum academic proficiency and develops virtuous character and motivation for a productive citizenry.” 
  4. APA exemplifies a data-driven system where teachers record, collect, analyze, and use both formative and summative assessments to update the curriculum and assess student learning. 
  5. APA provides staff members with professional learning activities based on data-driven needs assessments with a focus on collaboration and collegiality. 
  6. The system provides access to information resources and materials to support the curriculum and allocates human, material, and fiscal resources in alignment with the organizational purpose and improvement of student performance.  

We are grateful to the staff, parents, students, and community members who contribute in meaningful ways to the culture and mission of excellence at American Prep!

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