D2 Newsletter 11.30.20


December Builders Theme

I am a Builder when I look for ways to serve others Kigatsuku

Kigatsuku is a Japanese word meaning “an inner spirit to act without being told what to do”, or in other words, “see a need, meet a need”.  It’s simple; we don’t need to go out of our way; we don’t need to schedule it; we don’t need to travel to other countries.  We only need to look around us and see how we can help the person right in front of us. Opportunities for kigatsuku are everywhere – at school, at home, in the grocery store, and yes, even on the roads!

There is something deeply rewarding about this Builder’s theme as we watch your children fall into the rhythm of kigatsuku.  Imagine the energy and influence of an entire community of kigatsuku as we work toward something better than just ourselves. Imagine doing it without reward or compensation. Imagine what we could accomplish if we did the simplest thing – see a need, meet a need!

Upcoming Events

Dec. 3 – 17 Heroes for Hygiene drive

Fri. Dec. 4 Jeans Day & Spirit Wear Day

Mon. Dec. 7 Reading University Deadline

Fri. Dec. 11 Missing work deadline

Fri. Dec. 18 Report cards come home

Dec. 21 – Jan. 1 No School – Holiday Break

Heroes for Hygiene – December 3 to 17

There’s a frosty nip in the air and that means that APA’s annual multi-campus donation drive is just almost here! We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with Globus Relief this year by collecting hygiene items that will be distributed to refugee camps, charitable clinics, orphanages, and areas affected by natural disasters.  Check out their amazing work at www.globusrelief.org

Donation Guidelines: We will collect travel size items of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, dental floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste, baby shampoo, baby wash, and baby lotion.  Donations must be new and unused and, if possible, have at least 6 months before expiring, in order to be shipped abroad.  

5th Grade Ambassador Event  – December 4

“Celebrate”, will be held on December 4th. We’d LOVE parent volunteers!

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/ 10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-celebrate2

Other Items

School Lunch

This is a reminder to order meals for next month December 2020 AND January 2021.

https://apalunch.h1.hotlunchonline.net/ All orders must be placed 48 hours in advance. If you need help ordering lunch please email ekim@apamail.org for assistance.

Yearbook Orders

Yearbooks are available for the discounted price until December 18. Order yours today!

https://purchaseyearbook.com/ Code: DRAPER2APAYB2021

Hands For Hope

Thank you again to our parent volunteers who helped us put our handprints on our “Hands for Hope” banners (hanging in our front lobby through the month of December).

IMG 4832 D2 Newsletter 11.30.20

Wellness Check

We have asked all our parents to take their student’s temperature and answer two questions every day before school (see below). As we return from the Thanksgiving holiday, *PLEASE* keep your student(s) at home if they have ANY of these symptoms, or if they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Email nurse@apamail.org for details about quarantining if your student was exposed. THANK YOU for your diligence!

  1. In the last 24 hours, have you experienced any of the following symptoms in a way not normal to you: 

Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore Throat, Congestion or Runny Nose, Nausea or Vomiting, Diarrhea

  1. In the last 14 days, have you been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or tested positive yourself?

Hand Washing for Hygiene – Mandy Brown

Greetings to all of our Heroes of Hygiene.  Did you know that Oct. 15th is Global Handwashing Day?  That’s because handwashing is a like a ‘do-it-yourself’ vaccine.  It is the simplest and best way to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of disease.  So, every time someone soaps up their hands—hygiene wins, and the germs lose.  And that’s good news for everyone.

American Preparatory Education Foundation

Michelle Goudge, Executive Director

e: mgoudge@americanprepfoundation.org | p: 801.661.1928

www.facebook.com/pg/ americanprepfoundation



We are excited to announce the kick-off of the Annual Holiday Giving Campaign for 2020! As the Executive Director of the American Preparatory Education Foundation (APEF), I met with the school Executive Team and together we have come up with a great gift idea for our staff members this year.

As you know, our teachers and staff have gone above and beyond to educate and care for our students during this remarkable year. We felt a special gift was in order, and we wanted something that would help us mark the uniqueness of the past year. So we designed a special, commemorative 2020 logo to go on a navy, zip-up jacket, that we hope to give to each staff member at APA. 

As you might imagine, this will be a more expensive gift than normal. Because we are unable to hold holiday parties and staff dinners due to COVID-19, the school has committed to use those funds to pay for a portion of the cost of the jacket.  I feel confident that our amazing APA families would be willing to partner with the Foundation on this gift as well, so I have committed us to raising as many dollars as possible to contribute to our teacher gifts. Please join me in making this vision a reality!

INVITATION:  We invite all our families to participate in supporting the holiday staff gift campaign by donating to the Holiday Gift Fund. In the past we’ve asked parents to contribute to the Holiday Giving Campaign by purchasing items like chocolates and roses for our teachers and staff. This year we’re asking for you to contribute to a gift that they will have for years to come!

Whatever your family is able to donate will be very much appreciated. Every dollar will help us make this gift a reality for our staff members. No donation is too small. You can make donations at https://www.americanprepfoundation.org/ 2020-holiday-giving-campaign. Anyone can donate, so if you have relatives who might enjoy the opportunity to bless a teacher this season, please invite them to do so. You may also leave cash or a check made out to APEF with your campus secretary.  

We have also created a way for you to be able to personalize your gift to specific staff members by writing a personalized note that will be given to your children’s teachers, or any staff members you choose.  In this way, your children’s teachers (or other staff members) will know that you have contributed to their gift.

We appreciate your support of our amazing teachers and staff.  THANK YOU!

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