Carpool Dismissal Times and Neighborhood Groups


In order to manage the 600+ families in the carpool each afternoon, we hold two dismissals each afternoon.  First dismissal is at 3:10 pm on M, T, and F and 2:10 pm on W, TH.  Second dismissal  is at 3:35 pm, M, T, and F, and 2:35 pm on W, TH. Second dismissal provides the opportunity for elementary students to receive focused academic attention, not to be confused with the secondary study hall setting.

Dismissal times are assigned by family, not by individual students and apply to the entire week, not specific days within the week.  In addition, if you belong to a neighborhood carpool group, all students/families in that group are assigned the same dismissal and curb.

Are you looking for a carpool group? Please click this link to see the Draper 2 Family Directory:   This is a map showing the location and contact information for all families who have selected “A” on their FERPA form for allowing us to publish contact information for purposes such as this.  Please click the markers in your neighborhood to find families who may want to carpool.  If your information is not listed on this map and you would like to change your FERPA selection, please fill out a new form in the main office. 

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