May 4 – 8 Thank You Drive By
Tuesday, May 5 Kindergarten Reading University Deadline
Friday, May 15 Last Day for Curriculum Check Out
Monday, May 18 1st – 6th Grade Reading University Deadline
May 18 – 22 K – 3 Core Knowledge Testing
Friday, May 22 Missing Work Deadline
Friday, May 22 Last day of Kindergarten
Monday, May 25 Memorial Day – No School
May 26 – 29 4 – 6 Core Knowledge Testing
Friday, May 29 Last Day of Classes/Groups
Monday, June 1 Last Day of School – Field Day (at home)
June 2 – 5 Book Drop-Off/Summer Packet Pick-Up
For updates and additional information, please visit our campus website:
May Builders Theme
I am a builder when I am utterly reliable.
Think of the tortoise and the hare and the race they were in. The hare started out speedily. He passed the tortoise and then thought he could take a nap because the tortoise was so slow. The tortoise knew the rabbit was fast, but he didn’t give up. He just keeps plugging away, step by step by step. He was consistent. He ended up winning the race because, every step of the way, he continued working hard at something that was difficult.
Right now some of you may feel like you are in a race to get to the end of the school year. Let’s enjoy each day, give it our best, stay caught up with our work, be consistent, trustworthy, and utterly (absolutely, completely, totally) reliable. It’s our character we’re working on and WE CAN DO IT!
Here is an amazing video from our Character Development team introducing this month’s theme –
Thank You Drive By – May 4 to 8
Take a field trip to the school to thank your teacher or staff member. We have put posters on the fence for each teacher – please bring your own permanent markers (wear a mask!) and your students can write a note of appreciation to their teacher. There is also a mailbox for paper letters and notes.
From the Academic Office
Home Learning Resources
Character Development Videos
Don’t forget to take a few minutes and watch the Character Development videos that have been sent out by your teachers. They are wonderful videos that talk about the Builder theme for this month.
Thank you Mrs. Mandy Brown for helping to put these together and getting them to our families.
From our IT Department
You-Tube Videos Safety Information
3rd Graders going into 4th grade – Summer Reading Assignment
Every year we assign our students to read a book over the summer. The book assigned to outgoing third graders is Robin Hood. It is important that you purchase the correct edition of this book.
- Publisher: Core Knowledge Foundation; Abridged edition (October 2000)
- ISBN-10: 189051716X
- ISBN-13: 978-1890517168
This edition is available from several sources:
- APEF (our school foundation) If you purchase the book from APEF, it will be provided with your Summer Stay Sharp Packet from June 2-6.
- https://www.americanprep
- $9.00 New
- $4.50 Used
- Amazon
- $17.87 New
- $6.53+ Used
- $4.99 Kindle E-book
- Core Knowledge Website
- Barnes & Noble
- $15.65 New
- $4.99 NOOK Book (ebook)
(Note: Previously the assigned book was Robinson Crusoe, but this has been changed to Robin Hood.)
From the Administrative Office
Parent Advisory Committee Elections – Due May 7
Draper 2 Parent Advisory Committee – Please Vote!
Please place your votes for our Parent Advisory Committee. Click on the link and then select three (3) candidates. Voting ends May 7th.
Fun Run – Jill Welch (Fun Run Director)
I hope that you are all healthy and well! Wow, the last few months have been absolutely crazy. Who would have ever thought that THIS could happen?!?! I have waited until the last minute to reach out to you hoping that “just maybe” things would get better. Unfortunately, we are officially cancelling our most highly anticipated annual district event. That’s right, APA’s Annual Fun Run, originally scheduled for May 15th, 2020 has been cancelled due to federal and government crowd restrictions with the COVID-19 pandemic 🙁
On a better note, we are starting to ramp up and prepare for an Epic Fun Run next Spring of 2021. Please mark your calendars for next year for Friday, May 14, 2021, 6:00-8:00pm at the Andy Ballard Arena (1600 Highland Dr, Draper, UT 84020) again. We are so grateful that you are on our Fun Run Team and we look forward to next year’s event.
As always, thank you for your incredible support! #WeAreAllInThisTogether
Teacher Thank Yous
We have received requests from parents for teacher’s addresses. In order to maintain their privacy, we ask that any thank you notes and correspondences be sent to the school with the teacher’s name and we will make sure that they are delivered. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Our mailing address is
11938 S. Lone Peak Parkway
Draper, UT 84020.
School Nurse – Immunization Requirements BEFORE 2020-2021 School Year Starts
Immunizations are very important to keep our children safe from preventable communicable diseases. All children entering Kindergarten must be up to date with a second MMR, Varicella, final Polio and DTaP immunizations.
Those entering 7th grade must have received a Tdap booster as well as a Meningococcal vaccine.
If your child is not properly immunized you will receive a letter in the mail requesting proof of immunizations. If this documentation is not provided, your child will be excluded from attending school until the required documentation is provided. Questions regarding Utah immunization requirements can be answered by the Utah Department of Health., or our District Nurse Karen Thelin, RN, BSN. More information about immunizations can be found at
Karen Thelin RN, BSN – APA District School Nurse –
School Lunch Update
We are not serving school lunch during the dismissal due to COVID-19. You can find locations near you that serve free breakfast and lunch to children ages 1-18 by clicking here.
COVID-19 Status Update
The state of Utah has updated our risk status from High (Red) to Moderate (Orange). Please visit these resources to understand what that means for you!
School Hours
We are excited for the loosening of restrictions state-wide, and have established updated office hours for the school.
By Phone – Our secretaries are available from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Call 801-810-3590
- Press 0001 or 0002 during the message
- If you go to voicemail, leave a message
- Press #
- Press 0
All messages are forwarded to the secretaries and will be answered as soon as possible.
In Person – Our secretaries are available from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- We prefer that you schedule an appointment to come in by emailing Mrs. Carman
- Please come only if you are SYMPTOM FREE (cough, fever, shortness of breath, or feeling sick)
- All guests must be wearing a mask – please bring your own mask
- Teachers and instructors are still working mostly from home, and the best way to get in contact with them is via email – Teacher Email List
Materials Pick Up – We will continue to distribute materials at the BACK of the school (see map below).
If your student needs specific materials for Home Learning (like books or workbooks), please coordinate with your student’s homeroom teacher or groups instructor. All items will be distributed in a “drive through” method as shown below. Email Mrs. Carman at in advance to schedule a time to pick-up materials. This allows us to make sure the needed items are ready for you when you arrive.
American Preparatory Education Foundation
Michelle Goudge, Executive Director
e: | p: 801.661.1928 pg/americanprepfoundation |
COVID-19 Assistance
Thank you so much to those of you who have generously donated to the COVID-19 Assistance Fund. Your donations are helping APA families who are struggling financially at this time.
In addition to your donations, donations from Amazon through the AmazonSmile program are also directly helping our APA families. Funds from these two sources just last week assisted a single mother of three who works in the restaurant industry. Her hours were cut drastically when the pandemic hit and then she and her daughter both contracted COVID-19. She hasn’t been able to work for weeks which has resulted in loss of pay. Thanks to your donations and participation in AmazonSmile, she was granted a check to help pay for her rent and other bills. Through the Foundation students and staff have also received the use of computers and mobile hotspots to access the internet.
With the generosity of our donors we are able to do more good. We are in this together and we will get through it together. To make a donation, please go to /donate. And thank you for shopping at Your purchases help us to help our APA families in need.
Thank A Teacher
APA teachers and staff have gone to extraordinary lengths to make learning from home successful for our students. National Teacher Appreciation Week is this week, May 4-8. It is the perfect time to thank teachers for their tremendous dedication, creativity, and problem solving during this pandemic. I invite you to nominate a teacher or staff member who you feel is deserving of a little extra thanks. The Foundation will award 3 teachers with a gift and letter of thanks. Letters can be written by you or your child and submitted to me at The deadline is Saturday, May 9, and the winners will be announced on Monday, May 11.