Tomorrow Pick Up is at 3:15/3:30/3:45
The construction on Lone Peak Parkway is creating some confusion for cars that do not have students at our school. This morning there were many cars that got caught up in our traffic and ended up in our drop off system. These extra cars added volume to our exit line. Thank you for your patience during this construction time and know that it will not always be so slow exiting our property. When exiting our property, please form two lines and take turns when merging before getting to Lone Peak Parkway.
Thank you to everyone displaying your pick-up tags in the afternoon. Please DO NOT come even one minute early for your pick-up. Good places to wait if you make it early is the Wal-Mart parking lot or the church on River Chapel Road. Please be considerate and do not use the neighborhood for any reason.
Despite our best efforts, the first batch of backpack tags did not include some the changes requested. We apologize for the distress and unnecessary wait times that resulted. We have been working furiously to get all the updates made (again), and we hope things are now correct. Please check Skyward and your student’s backpack tags, and email with any corrections. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we get everything updated.
We love your students, and we appreciate you! We are so happy that you have chosen to attend American Prep at the Draper 2 campus.
Administrative Director
Draper 2 Campus