Newsletter 1.17.20


Monday, January 20 No School – Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday, January 21 Early Release 12:15/12:30/12:45pm –

Professional Development for Staff

Mon. Jan. 27 – Fri. Jan. 31 Classroom Spelling Bees

Friday, January 31 Chick-Fil-A Student Birthday – January, February, March

Friday, February 7 Missing Work Deadline

Friday, February 7 Spirit Wear Day

Mon. Feb. 10 – Fri. Feb. 14 Staff Appreciation Week

Tuesday, February 11 4th-6th grade School Spelling Bee 1:00-2:00 pm

Wednesday, February 12 1st-3rd grade School Spelling Bee 1:00-2:00 pm

Wednesday, February 12 5th Grade Maturation Evening 


For updates and additional information, please visit our campus website:


Report volunteer hours via email:

January Builders Theme – I am a builder when I work diligently.

In a fascinating book written a few years ago called Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell studied the lives of tremendously successful groups or individuals to find out how they attained success. In this book, a team of psychologists in the early 1990’s, in Berlin, Germany, studied the practice habits of violin students in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. All were asked, “Over the course of your entire career, ever since you first picked up the violin, how many hours have you practiced?”

All of the violinists began playing at roughly five years of age with similar practice times. However, at age eight, practice times began to diverge. By age twenty, the elite performers averaged more than 10,000 hours of practice each, while the less-able performers had only 4,000 hours of practice.

It was shown that elite performers more-than-double the practice hours of the less-capable performers.  The Elite are more diligent. The diligent software developer writes code at work, as well as writing software on her own time. The diligent athlete practices on the field with his teammates, then goes home to watch game films. The diligent physician listens to medical podcasts in the car during the car ride home.

We can all become great at something by being diligent.  Think about what you like to do and how you would like to become even better at it; then work diligently to achieve it!

Upcoming Event Details

Early release/Professional Development – Tuesday, January 21st

Tuesday, January 21st  will be an early dismissal day. Pick-up times for this day are 12:15 pm, 12:30 pm, and 12:45 pm. The buses will leave at 12:25 pm. No clubs meet on this day. Please make arrangements for your students to be picked up early on this day. All of our staff will be participating in professional development and will not be available to supervise students.

AM Kindergarten only will attend. PM Kindergarten will have the day off.  Watch for an email from your teacher about pick up details.

Classroom Spelling Bees – Monday, January 27th  – Friday, January 31st

Each classroom will hold their own spelling bees according to where it will best fit into their individual schedules.  

 Chick-Fil-A Birthday Celebration – January 31

Chick-Fil-A is bringing chicken nuggets to our students who have birthdays during January, February, and March. If your student has dietary restrictions, please let us know and they will be given a fruit cup instead. Email no later than January 24th, with your student’s name, grade, birthdate and the nature of their allergy/restriction. 

From the Administrative Office

School Lunch Update

You can now order lunch until the end of the year! 

Please contact your school lunch workers if you need assistance – 

Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Marcotte


From the School Nurse – Vision Screenings


Vision Screenings went great and I couldn’t have done it without your help! Especially since the sign-ups only went out a few days before — you all pitched in and filled in those gaps so quickly!  And, with your help, we got every student through just as quick! Thank you again for being awesome and supportive parents! 

For any parents that are willing to travel for volunteer hours, we also need help with vision screenings at West Valley 2.  Thank you! 

https://www.signupgenius .com/go/ 70A054DA9AA2BA2FD0-vision 


Bookkeeper Needed

The American Prep Education Foundation is looking for a bookkeeper to work 15 hours per week, preferably 3 hours each day school is in session.  Quickbooks experience is required. If you are interested in this position, please go to and fill out an application on the careers section.

Morning Drop Off

If you drop students at the C/D curb, please drive around the back of the Draper 3 campus, even if you do not have secondary students to drop off. There are three lanes at the soccer field and it slows the flow of traffic if C/D cars are in the wrong lane.


Afternoon Pick Up

Please remember to display your tags at all times when driving on campus. It helps our staff identify and assist parents. If you need to come to campus at a different time than your tag allows, contact the elementary office to get a temporary tag (

We have had some feedback from the neighborhood to the north that our parents are using the streets to turn around or park and wait for carpool. This makes it very difficult for them. Please be considerate and use other roads farther north. 

Please remember that all students must be picked up by 4:00 pm M, T, F and 3:00 pm W, Th. On early dismissal days, students must be picked up by 1:00 pm.


Checking Students Out Early

We have been making many efforts to improve security at our campus. We are now extending this effort to early check outs. If you plan to check your student out before their normal dismissal time, please allow at least 10-15 minutes. Instead of sending parents to find their students, our staff will page or retrieve them from their classroom. Depending on how busy our front lobby is and how many early check outs we have, this may take more time than it has in the past. As a reminder, to check out a student early the adult must be listed as a parent, guardian, or emergency contact and present a photo ID.


Visitor Parking Update

We have created more visitor parking on the east side of campus, next to the sheep field. The 10 stalls on the right and 10 stalls on the left are reserved for visitors and parents. This will be especially convenient for parents who follow the C/D drop off route. The entire front row of parking closest to the school is also dedicated to visitor parking. PLEASE PARK IN VISITOR STALLS ONLY. All the other parking stalls are assigned to staff, and when parents park in those spots our amazing staff members have no place to park.


Character Development Corner – Mandy Brown

I am looking for great stories of any of our amazing students who have given service in the community.  Examples include volunteering at the Humane Society, collecting coats for a Coat Drive, or visiting an elderly neighbor ron a regular basis, etc.  Those are just EXAMPLES. . . the sky’s the limit. And if you have pictures to go with the story, that would be WONDERFUL.  

We feature these stories of students and staff members on our BUILDER Bulletin Boards (we have one located downstairs and one upstairs in our school).  Please send stories and photos to me at

This month’s theme is WORKING DILIGENTLY.  In this month’s Chew Time Video we learned about some of society’s most diligent workers: farmers.  We talked about how their work ethic can apply to us at school. For example, a farmer has to care for the cows EVERY SINGLE DAY whether he “feels like it” or not, whether it is hot or cold outside, whether he’d “rather be doing something else.”  The farmer does the hard work because he knows it will pay off. And that’s what we can do at school…work diligently even when we “don’t feel like it” etc., knowing the hard work will pay off! Ask your students about it!


From our Family School Organization (FSO) – Nicole Harman

Staff Appreciation Week is February 10-14th and is coming up in less than one month! Our theme for this year is “Thank you for Decades of Service”.  We will be visiting a different decade each day through food, decorations and gifts. This week is one of our favorites but it is also takes a village to put together.  We can not do it without your help! There are many different ways to help and this is a great way to get your 20 volunteer-hours in. Please take a moment to look at both of the signups and decide how you can help. 🙂 8050844a8ac22a7fd0-staff 8050844A8AC22A7FD0-staff1

American Preparatory Education Foundation


Michelle Goudge, Executive Director


p: 801.661.192


 APEF Student Art Contest

I am looking for students to participate in an art contest. I will be using the artwork on notecards and thank you cards for The Foundation. Submissions should be emailed to me in a .png or .jpg file or dropped off with a campus secretary. The theme for the contest is “Friends of APA” and the deadline is February 15. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate for the APA Apparel Store. I look forward to seeing the student submissions! 

Hardship Fund

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” 

       – Winston Churchill


I’d like to continue educating our parents on what The Foundation is. APEF is a non-profit 501(c)(3), and is the fundraising arm of APA.  Last week I talked about Builders Club. This week will explain The Foundation’s Hardship Fund.


The Hardship Fund was developed to provide resources to help APA students, parents, teachers, and staff members with severe hardships. Funds in this account include donations provided by APA-affiliated people and groups such as students, parents, organizations, and staff who want to assist other APA community members in times of crisis. Funds are distributed as determined by the Board of Directors when they are notified of a critical need in the community. Needs may include costs for excessive medical care, funeral costs, or costs from other extreme situations.

I’ve seen first-hand this academic year how those funds have helped a number of our APA families. If you would like to contribute to APA’s Hardship Fund, donations can be made at hardship-fund.

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