D2 – Class Picture and Photo Retakes


Class Photos

Tomorrow our students will have class pictures taken. Please make sure they dress their best, look sharp, and brush their hair! You can purchase class photos in advance by following this link:

https://www.bellphoto.com/Customer/ Home/Index?prepay=apadraper2class2021

Individual Retakes

Any students who missed having an individual school picture will have it taken tomorrow. We will send home order forms with your students tomorrow.

Off-Campus Students

Our off-campus students can come any time during the school day (8:05 am to 2:15 pm) or between 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, to have their pictures taken. Please park behind the school and enter through the Multipurpose Room doors. We would LOVE to include ALL of our students in the yearbook!


Both individual pictures and class photos will be in the yearbook. You can order a yearbook at this link:

https://www.purchaseyearbook.com/ Customer/Home/Index?prepay=DRAPER2APA2021

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