Newsletter 1.24.20


Mon. Jan. 27 – Fri. Jan. 31 Classroom Spelling Bees

Friday, January 31 Jeans Day for no #2’s (Uniform) &  #7’s (unprepared)

Friday, January 31 Chick-Fil-A Student Birthdays:  January, February, March

Monday, February 3 Reading University Deadline

Friday, February 7 Missing Work Deadline

Friday, February 7 Spirit Wear Day

Mon. Feb. 10 – Fri. Feb. 14 Staff Appreciation Week

Tuesday, February 11 4th-6th grade School Spelling Bee 1:00-2:00 pm

Wednesday, February 12 5th Grade Maturation Evening 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Friday, February 14 Jeans Day for no #2’s (Uniform) &  #7’s (unprepared)

Friday, February 14 1st-3rd grade School Spelling Bee 1:00-2:00 pm

Mon. Feb. 17 – Fri. Feb. 21 No School – Mid-winter break

For updates and additional information, please visit our campus website:

Report volunteer hours via email:

January Builders Theme – I am a builder when I work diligently.

Diligence is a rare trait in our culture. Our society has an extreme case of laziness; we start projects and lack the focus to finish. While laziness is a prime problem in our society, a lack of hard workers is an age-old problem. Without further ado, here are five must-have traits of a diligent person.

1) A diligent person is an excellent planner.

2) A diligent person produces excellent work.

3) A diligent person is faithful in everyday tasks.

4) A diligent person pushes through obstacles of all kinds.

5) A diligent person is self-motivated.

Diligence is not cultivated overnight.

Diligence is a muscle that is strengthened with time and consistency. While a diligent person is a hard worker, they also know how to be a smart worker by being a good planner. A diligent person acquires opportunities through the excellence of their work. They also stay faithful in the everyday tasks, and they are not easily deterred by obstacles. Finally, a diligent person is self-driven and knows how to be their own boss. Due to its rarity in our culture, diligence is rapidly increasing in value. Diligence is a dynamic character trait which is a precious treasure worthy of our cultivating.

“Audrey French, June 2017”

Academic Update – Intervention Parent/Teacher Conferences

It has been a great 3rd term at American Prep!  Thank you for sharing your wonderful students with us.  We appreciate having you as part of our American Prep family. 

At this time each year, we carefully look at all the progress being made by each student.  This is the time that we start making plans and setting goals to ensure that each student is on grade level before the end of the year. Benchmarks and promotional guidelines for each grade are set in place to help us determine the success of a student from year to year.

 If your student is not meeting this benchmark you will be contacted to meet with your student’s teacher for an intervention PTC.  At this meeting you will discuss what needs to be done for your student to meet the promotion guidelines by the end of the year.

 This conference is by teacher request only and is made on an individual student basis.  If you have questions about promotional guidelines please contact your student’s teacher.

Upcoming Event Details

Classroom Spelling Bees – Monday, January 27th  – Friday, January 31st

Each classroom will hold their own spelling bees according to where it will best fit into their individual schedules.  

Jeans Day – Friday, January 31

Students will be able to wear jeans on this day if they have no #2 – uniform infractions, and no #7 – unprepared card moves January 20th through January 30th.

Please remember that jeans are to be clean, no holes, and you should be able to pinch an inch on either side, without pulling.  Jeans must be blue, no other colors are allowed. 

Watch for a sticker on your student’s learning plan, Thursday, January 30th to see if your student earned jeans day.

Chick-Fil-A Birthday Celebration – January 31

Chick-Fil-A is bringing chicken nuggets to our students who have birthdays during January, February, and March. If your student has dietary restrictions, please let us know and they will be given a fruit cup instead. Email no later than January 24th, with your student’s name, grade, birthdate and the nature of their allergy/restriction. 

5th grade Maturation Night – Wednesday, February 12

5th grade maturation night, with their parents, will be held in the multipurpose room.  The presentation is separated by gender – boys come from 6:00 – 7:00 pm and then the girls attend from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.

Valentines Day – From our Parent Student Handbook

We encourage students to show they care by doing good deeds for others all during the month. Often, the school participates in a school-wide service project during February. If students wish to exchange Valentine cards or treats (completely optional) they may do so, within the following guidelines:

  • All classmates must be included in the giving.
  • Treats must be wrapped as they will be placed in backpacks to be enjoyed at home.
  • You will NOT need to make a Valentine box for your student, we provide paper bags for the students to put their Valentines in.

From the Administrative Office

School Lunch Update

You can now order lunch until the end of the year! 

Please contact your school lunch workers if you need assistance – 

Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Marcotte

Boys and Girls Running Programs

We will be participating in the Let Me Run program for 4th – 6th grade boys and Girls on the Run for 3rd – 6th grade girls.

One more coach is needed for each team; please contact Molly Jorgensen at if you are interested.

There will be a potential coaches meeting held Wednesday, January 29th at 8:15 am here at Draper 2.  Meet in the lobby.

The running programs will begin the first week of March.  To register go to  or 

From the School Nurse – Vision Screenings

For any parents that are willing to travel for volunteer hours, we also need help with vision screenings at West Valley 2.  Thank you! 


The annual MathCounts competition will take place at Waterford School on February 8, 2020. Draper APA candidates will begin MathCounts training on Wednesday, January 21 at 2:30 PM at Draper 3 campus (Mrs. Woodcox’s classroom). Students in grades 6, 7, & 8 are eligible for spots on the MathCounts team. Select students will receive invitations to join the team. Students who are invited or are interested in participating in MathCounts may contact Kathy Woodcox at for more information.  

Morning Drop Off

If you drop students at the C/D curb, please drive around the back of the Draper 3 campus, even if you do not have secondary students to drop off. There are three lanes at the soccer field and it slows the flow of traffic if C/D cars are in the wrong lane.

Afternoon Pick Up

Please remember to display your tags at all times when driving on campus. It helps our staff identify and assist parents. If you need to come to campus at a different time than your tag allows, contact the elementary office to get a temporary tag (

We have had some feedback from the neighborhood to the north that our parents are using the streets to turn around or park and wait for carpool. This makes it very difficult for them. Please be considerate and use other roads farther north. 

Please remember that all students must be picked up by 4:00 pm M, T, F and 3:00 pm W, Th. On early dismissal days, students must be picked up by 1:00 pm.

Visitor Parking Update

We have created more visitor parking on the east side of campus, next to the sheep field. The 10 stalls on the right and 10 stalls on the left are reserved for visitors and parents. This will be especially convenient for parents who follow the C/D drop off route. The entire front row of parking closest to the school is also dedicated to visitor parking. PLEASE PARK IN VISITOR STALLS ONLY. All the other parking stalls are assigned to staff, and when parents park in those spots our amazing staff members have no place to park.

Character Development Corner – Mandy Brown

I am looking for great stories of any of our amazing students who have given service in the community.  Examples include volunteering at the Humane Society, collecting coats for a Coat Drive, or visiting an elderly neighbor or relative on a regular basis, etc.  Those are just EXAMPLES . . . the sky’s the limit! And if you have pictures to go with the story, that would be WONDERFUL. We feature these stories of students and staff members on our BUILDER Bulletin Boards (we have one located downstairs and one upstairs in our school).  

Please send stories and photos to me at

*This month’s Chew Time Video highlights the importance of working diligently.  Watch it with your family if you’d like to!

From our Family School Organization (FSO) – Nicole Harman

Staff Appreciation Week is February 10-14th and is coming up in less than one month! Our theme for this year is “Thank you for Decades of Service”.  We will be visiting a different decade each day through food, decorations and gifts. This week is one of our favorites but it is also takes a village to put together.  We can not do it without your help! There are many different ways to help and this is a great way to get your 20 volunteer-hours in. Please take a moment to look at both of the signups and decide how you can help. 🙂 /go/8050844a8ac22a7fd0-staff /go/8050844A8AC22A7FD0-staff1

American Preparatory Education Foundation

Michelle Goudge, Executive Director


p: 801.661.192

Holiday Giving Campaign

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 Holiday Giving Campaign. Our first year was a success! We brought in nearly $5,000 with more than half of that going directly to our teachers and staff and the remaining money going to Builders Club. The gifts were delivered this week, and it was fun to see the excitement of the recipients. We are already making plans for next year’s campaign, and I anticipate it being even bigger and better than the first!

APEF Notecard Art Contest

The Foundation’s Notecard Art Contest is a great way for your student to showcase their creativity. I will be using the artwork on notecards and thank you cards for The Foundation. Submissions should be emailed to me in a .png or .jpg file or dropped off with a campus secretary. The theme for the contest is “Friends of APA” and the deadline is February 15. The winner will be announced after the break and will receive a $25 gift certificate for the APA Apparel Store.

Contest rules and guidelines:

  1. The contest is open to all APA students in Utah.
  2. Artwork should reflect images centered around the theme of “Friends of APA” and should not include copyrighted images.
  3. Students are encouraged, but not required, to use 8.5” x 11” paper (landscape format).
  4. Artwork must be properly labeled. Write the name of the student, the student’s grade, campus, and the teacher’s name on the back of the artwork. Please make sure this information is legible. 
  5. Students may use as many colors as they wish in their artwork and may use watercolors, colored paper, markers, crayons, pencils, or any combination. Students are encouraged to completely fill the page.
  6. Entry into this contest constitutes (1) a waiver of all copyrights students have in their entries, and (2) permission to republish entries without compensation.
  7. Artwork will not be returned.
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