Newsletter 9.8.20


Upcoming Events

Friday, Sept. 11th Mid-term Missing Work Deadline

Mon. Sept. 14 – Fri. Sept. 18 College Week

Monday, Sept 14th College Fair Presentations 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Thursday, Sept 17th Constitution Day 10:00 am 

Friday, Sept 18th College Fair Presentations 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Thursday, Sept. 24th Picture Day for all students 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

College Fair Presentations – September 14 & 18

Calling all volunteers!  Help us at our COLLEGE FAIR!  WE STILL NEED YOU! We still have MANY open slots!  Please, please join us for this awesome Draper 2 tradition!

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th OR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th with time slots available from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm each of those days. /10C0444AFAE29ABFC1-college4

  • You will be doing a 7 minute presentation/interactive experience 3 times in one hour (for 3 different classes who rotate in)
    • So, for example, a pediatrician who graduated from the U might bring a Utah flag, a Utah t-shirt, and have a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff, and a roll of stickers to give away.  
    • It is not required that you give something away at your presentation!
  • At your presentation, you could have a demonstration, a game, or anything else to show a group of approximately 20 kids (one class) in our large upstairs multipurpose room. Searching “pinterest” or “google” you can find a lot of great ideas. 
  • In one hour of your time, you will be presenting to about 60 kids (from 3, separate, classes)
  • Find more ideas here: /college-and-career-exploration.html

Thank you — it’s going to be a memorable and valuable event for our kids!

Constitution Day – Thursday, September 17th

We are honored to celebrate the signing of our founding document, the Constitution, on Thursday, September 17th.  Each school will be reading the constitution, and we encourage you to read it with your families. As we more fully understand what the Constitution is all about, we can participate in discussions, and advance the noble cause with which this document was written. 

Join us at for the Draper 2 campus reading at 10:00 am.  This program will last about an hour. 

September Builders Theme – I am a Builder when I build with Enthusiasm 

One of the hallmarks of our American Prep Schools is ENTHUSIASM.  Walk into any of our schools and you will hear enthusiasm throughout our classrooms in the form of cheers and chants.  So many of our students become accustomed to using cheers when hearing certain words like, “awesome”, “incredible”, “fantastic”, “great” and many more.  These words and cheers reinforce our students’ passion for learning and working hard.  We know that it makes a HUGE difference in the excitement and energy of our schools and believe that it is an important part of how we create a fun and dynamic learning environment.  So don’t be too surprised if your students break out in a cheer at home if using some of the key words or phrases.

From the Academic Office

Student Email Accounts

All students at American Prep are issued email accounts.  These accounts allow them to do school work , access Google classrooms and sometimes to do research information on the internet. All student accounts are considered part of their classroom and monitored for inappropriate use.  Please talk with your students about using their school accounts for school related activities and make sure they are being builders with any chats that might be happening online.  All chats online are considered part of a classroom and topics should be appropriate for a classroom.

When your student is sick

As we enter the cold and flu season, we appreciate all our parents who keep their students home due to an illness. If an on-campus student is absent for any reason, that student is still enrolled in the on-campus program and is expected to work with his or her homeroom teacher and groups teachers to complete any missing work. Absent on-campus students will not be switched to an off-campus Google classroom for  temporary learning. We do, however, offer online reading and math lessons to our absent on-campus students. These lessons can be found under the “Off-Campus Program” tab at We appreciate our parents who offer extra support at home to help their students get caught up. Please contact your homeroom teacher with any questions regarding missing work. Don’t forget, the midterm missing work deadline is this Friday, September 11.

From the Administrative Office

School Lunch

Watch for an email about exciting developments with the school lunch program. Coming soon!

FERPA – Student Data Privacy

As part of our registration/re-enrollment, all families completed the FERPA agreement. Click here to see a copy of what you agreed to. We know some of our families are sensitive about sharing student photos in the yearbook, or having their names listed in the newsletter when they receive awards. If you have privacy concerns like this, please contact Emily Peery, one of our administrative directors, so we can be sure to track those preferences. 

For more information on FERPA, see our website:

Activities – Online Clubs

Musical Theater Opportunity peachjarflyer_uwk_final2020-2.pdf

Chess Wizards

Art Haven

Character Development Corner – Mandy Brown

Thank You, Volunteers!

We had our sixth grade event on September 3rd.  We learned about being willing to try, setting goals with tools to achieve them, how to befriend others (even when we are different from each other), how to be genuine (including: how to spot “fake” in the virtual world), and how to keep a conversation flowing.  Thank you to our team of volunteer parents who kept us safe by sanitizing in between rotations and keeping our food station safe. You’re amazing: Michelle Goudge, Chantel Miner, Lenka Becz, Brenden Davis, Kenia Varela, and Christa Dastrup!

     We had our fifth grade event on August 27th.  Thank you to our team of volunteer parents : Brittney Baugh, Zoie Farmer, Rachel Lindley, Sai Long, Cindy Badger, Tanya Parke, Candice Lee, Kathy Larrabee, Beth Klaus, and Elissa Tran.

American Preparatory Education Foundation

Michelle Goudge, Executive Director

e: | p: 801.661.1928 /americanprepfoundation

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