First Lego League at Draper 2


APA is excited to announce the start of the First Lego League (FLL) on the Draper 2 campus.

FLL is part Lego building, part Lego robotics programing, part science fair . . .and ALL AWESOME (especially since we will be a team(s))!!!

The theme this year is “Animal Allies” and our project will be to:

  • Identify a problem when people and animals interact
  • Design a solution that makes the interaction better for animals, people, or both
  • Share your problem and solution with others

FLL is for secondary students who were 14 or younger on 12/31/15 (this is a rule of the First Lego League not APA)

Cost is $50 and will cover a t-shirt, registration fees, and end of competition party.

Meetings will be on Thursdays from 2:35 P.M. till 4:00 P.M. and every other Monday from 3:35 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (the other Mondays are Lego Club meetings, and students can join that as well for $10 / half year).  The first Thursday meeting will be 9/8, and more details will be given about the club (this would be great for parents to come to!) The first Monday meeting will be 9/19 (there is also a Lego Club meeting on 9/12 from 3:35 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.).  Our competition date is not yet settled, but it will be sometime between November and January. If the competition is earlier in this window, we may need to add a few additional meetings in order to complete our project.

More details about the First Lego League can be found at

Please contact Mr. Phinney, at, if you have any questions.

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