1.7.21 Email – 3 Important Updates


Spirit Wear Friday is tomorrow!
On the first Friday of every month, students and staff can show their American Prep spirit by wearing Spirit Wear items on top, and regular Friday dress on bottom.  Items can be from previous fundraising events or can be purchased through our Spirit Store.
https://www.americanprep.org/product-category /spirit-wear/

Sibling Enrollment – Incoming Kindergarteners
Here is the link: https://www.americanprep.org/enrollment / utah-application/
Code: Sibling2021
This is separate from re-enrollment (when you indicate whether current students will return). That will happen in February or March.

Drop Off and Pick Up
We are so excited to have over 100 new students back on campus. However, many of our families are new to the drop off and pick up process. Here are the top 3 things you can do to help traffic flow smoothly:

  1. NO LEFT TURNS – in or out of the driveway onto Lone Peak Parkway. Hours: 7:30 am – 8:05 am, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm (M, T, F) or 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (W, Th)
  2. FOLLOW YOUR PATH – if you are dropping off on C or D curbs, you MUST drive behind Draper 3 campus. Please go ALL THE WAY AROUND. If you drive in front of Draper 3 campus, you must use the A/B lanes to exit. You can see how complicated the traffic flow is – but if you follow your path everything will work out!
  3. DON’T COME TOO EARLY – We welcome all Draper 2 students at 7:30 am. Those with siblings at Draper 3 can be dropped off as early as 7:15 am. However, we don’t have staff to supervise them before that time, so they will be locked out in the cold. Please let them stay with you in your car until at least 7:15 am when the doors unlock. In the afternoon, you should NOT come before your posted time. You can come later, but not earlier.

ABE Drop Off Map 1.7.21 Email - 3 Important Updates CDF Drop Off Map 1.7.21 Email - 3 Important Updates

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